Sunday, November 20, 2011

i love love.

The only perk about having a luncheon and reception on two different days? You get to wear two separate dresses!
(by the way, I realize that wearing white to a wedding is a fashion faux pas. My dress was cream.)

Also, check out the winter wonderland! I'm a little ashamed of myself for being so into the Christmas spirit already since it's not even Thanksgiving, but secretly I'm loving it. But then again, I love any excuse to wear a dress coat.

By the way, the bride's dress? Fantastic. I'm so in love.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

for stacy

"In an ideal world, nobody would talk before 10 am. 
People would just hug, because waking up is really hard."
 Zooey Deschanel

love gwen

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pinterest Inspired

I am so in love with this color scheme. Oxfords + high-waisted skirts + cardigans are magic when complimented with the perfect turquoise necklace.
(I'd recommend pairing this with a plain-white shirt that is fitted enough to be tucked in)

in any season

hair. sweater.

Blazer Love

It's no secret that I watch a lot of Kardashians, and I've mentioned before, those girls wear a lot of blazers. The blazer is a perfect staple for the business casual, and if you can find one with a great cut, it can look both feminine and professional. Want to try this look for yourself? Here is what I recommend:

ankle boot

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Go Here.

let us give thanks

as fashionably as possible, of course.
here is my pick for a fab feasting outfit:

What do you want to wear to your Thanksgiving festivities?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am absolutely loving this. I'll for sure do this in my kids bedroom or playroom.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Can We Talk About Zooey?

Because really, I love this girl with all my heart.
Not only is she an amazing actress, her band She & Him just gets me, you know?
Have you checked out Hello Giggles? It's replaced fmylife as my go-to online time waster.
And I haven't even started on her fashion sense. The girl knows how to wear a dress. If I could inherit her closet, I would be a happy girl.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

speaking of modern icons

i probably wanna look like this on my wedding day.
or everyday for that matter.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Autumn in Full Swing

Here's the thing:
cardigans, oxfords and pearls have re-defined my closet this season.
if skinny jeans go out of style, I will cry. it's hard having short legs.
sometimes, nothing feels better than wearing jeans and an Aggie sweatshirt and screaming yourself hoarse. I love football weather.
basically, dresses and home-made skirts are my favorite. Shabby Apple and Modcloth, anyone?

Love, Stacy

P.S. Hat obsession? Definitely back.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Also, is it just me, or do the Kardashians wear a ton of blazers?

Especially Kim.
you know those days when you just don't feel right?
and you have self-diagnosed bronchitis?
and you got three and a half hours of sleep last night?
and you have to spend a half hour stretching fabric so you can actually cut it on grain?
and you need to do homework, laundry, find a job, look for scholarships, buy new fabric shears?
and your skin just doesn't agree with Logan weather so you feel like you have leprosy?
and you had a headache so you've been in your glasses since sunday?

yeah, today is for sure one of those days.

I feel like this outfit would have made me feel better.
Don't judge.
Hello, Ruche.

Monday, September 5, 2011

happy school year, everyone

Show me the Scotsman who doesn't love the thistle
Show me the Englishman who doesn't love the rose
Show me the true-blooded Aggie from Utah
who doesn't love the spot
where the sagebrush grows!

 Meet Hannah.
We met at Girl's State when we were juniors in high school, and have been besties ever since.
Did I mention she's my roommate? Yeah, love this girl!
You know you're meant to be friends when you both show up to school rocking tunics and skinnies.
It's going to be a great year!

*Side note: I know you can't really see them,
but check out my brand new Oxfords.
It may be love.*

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back To School Must Haves

Autumn is upon us, which means back to school! If I had some extra cash for school clothes, this is exactly how I would replenish my closet.
Oxfords, bows, gray, leather jacket, skinny jeans, high waisted/straight legged pants, tailored outerwear, flirty skirts and dresses. Totally perfect.
I don't think it is possible for me to be more excited about fall fashion.

Brought to you by

I swoon.

let's just pretend that I didn't just spend too much time looking through the new line at ruche. If I had money simply just to throw around, I would buy ruche and force them to allow me to wear whatever masterpiece they think of next.
Also, with the dress code changing for sister goal is to incorporate similar styles into my missionary wardrobe. Is that too much to ask?

I may or may not be drooling over these photos. (don't mind the awful yellow lines, I blame screen shot)

check out their entire lookbook here.

one day.
love, gwen

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

next project stacy?

ya, we'll probably have to do this when we buy our own apartments someday.
love, Gwen

Sewing With Stacy: The Simple Bow Skirt

I found this skirt on Pinterest, and I knew I would have to make it. I mean, a poofy skirt with a bow? Totally me. It was really so easy, too.
I got a great deal on the fabric, it was half off at JoAnn's Fabric Store, which means that I was able to make the entire skirt for $5. Hello, great deal!
I actually chickened out of the zipper idea, and used elastic at the base of the waistband with a hook and eye at top instead. This made the measurements a little bit different. So just as a warning, if you feel less confident about zippers also, realize that you're going to have to play with it a little bit.
Also, I highly recommend pressing and pinning your hem, it makes it so much easier.
Happy Sewing!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

This Will Happen. Someday.

Norma Jean

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so eventually you begin to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
-Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Somedays, I just daydream that everyone in this world could at least dress classy like this.
A beautiful color.
Perfect Accessories
Not afraid to mix patters [i.e. polka dots with the striped hat]
yet, not over the top.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

firefly catching days.

One day, I will own my own little house. With my husband. And I'll finally have the complete freedom to plaster my style all over every single wall, nook and corner. It will be an ever changing process, but I am so excited for it. This picture has inspired me, and gives me this nervous excited feelings again.
some day.
some day.
Also....this will somehow incorporate with my wedding
no, I will not have a bed outside
that seems a little hasty doesn't it :P
But definitely the branches with lights
I'm also obsessed with the color.
perhaps that's why my bedroom currently is similar.

maybe one day I'll actually write a well thought out post for this blog...but for now, hear my ramblings of how much I love certain styles.

also, look at this gem.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sewing With Stacy: The Denim Quilt

If you want to be the world's best girlfriend...

...make your handsome fellow a quilt for his birthday. It's sure to be a hit.
You'll need:
  • 140 six inch denim squares
  • 1 queen sized flannel sheet
  • 3 spools of thread
  • 1 roll of yarn
  • 1 amazing sewing machine
  • and some friends/family/mothers to help you tie it

This quilt was super easy to make. Just piece it together, tie it, sew on the back and PRESTO! You have a quilt.

For a memorable card, you may use a sheet of paper and some crayons. For extra love, enlist your four year old niece to make one too.

Happy Birthday Justin!
(But not until June. So shhh! It's a surprise!)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Toast To Jackie O.

“I have been through a lot and have suffered a great deal. But I have had lots of happy moments, as well. Every moment one lives is different from the other. The good, the bad, hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love, and happiness are all interwoven into one single, indescribable whole that is called life. You cannot separate the good from the bad. And perhaps there is no need to do so, either.”

-Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis

I just love Jackie Kennedy. She had such style and class.