Saturday, October 8, 2011

Can We Talk About Zooey?

Because really, I love this girl with all my heart.
Not only is she an amazing actress, her band She & Him just gets me, you know?
Have you checked out Hello Giggles? It's replaced fmylife as my go-to online time waster.
And I haven't even started on her fashion sense. The girl knows how to wear a dress. If I could inherit her closet, I would be a happy girl.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

speaking of modern icons

i probably wanna look like this on my wedding day.
or everyday for that matter.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Autumn in Full Swing

Here's the thing:
cardigans, oxfords and pearls have re-defined my closet this season.
if skinny jeans go out of style, I will cry. it's hard having short legs.
sometimes, nothing feels better than wearing jeans and an Aggie sweatshirt and screaming yourself hoarse. I love football weather.
basically, dresses and home-made skirts are my favorite. Shabby Apple and Modcloth, anyone?

Love, Stacy

P.S. Hat obsession? Definitely back.