Friday, December 17, 2010

Letter To Our Buddy

Dear Elder Nathan Robert Jensen,

Twas the night before Saturday

and all through the room,

Kait and Heather were packaging

to help cure your gloom.

The stress ball was placed

in the package so bright

in the hopes that you'd squeeze it

rather than get in a fight.

The cookies were snuggled

all warm in their pack

so that you can eat them

if it's comfort you lack

And so that your emotions

you can put into song

a brightly colored recorder

we placed in the throng.

We knew you could

use a lift in your thoughts,

so words of encouragement

we thought we'd put lots.

And also inside

something you cannot see

all the love that we send

from your girls in PG.

(aka Kaitlyn and Heather)

But to remind you

of what your purpose is there

Remember the person who

you know always cares.

(aka Jesus)

So many thoughts and prayers

are with you this season

And he will not leave

for ANY reason.

As we now end this poem

We shout with all our might:

Happy Christmas dear Nathan-

Say your prayers at night!”

(and read your scriptures)

We hope this season finds you with Christ in your mind and love in your heart. We are so very proud of your service in the mission field, and all the light that you are shedding for the poor souls wandering in darkness. We couldn't be more proud. You truly are an inspiration. Keep up the good work, Elder!

(PS Your name sounds really good with an “Elder” in front of it. I think a name change is in order.)

We thought we would share with you some highlights from the past year:

(Basically this entails bragging about ourselves. It's Christmas- get used to it.)

Heather, 19: Finished up a rather uneventful semester at UvU and is now heading back to her true home- Logan, UT. She misses her Aggies greatly and drowns her sorrows in the Book of mormon, Ben and Jerry's, and reruns of the MTV favorite, Teen Mom. Don't worry- she's not getting any ideas! She has many hobbies, including, but not limited to, clipping out pictures of Liza Minnelli and faxing them to people. Anonymously. She often finds herself skipping down the street thinking not only, “What would Jesus do?” but, “What would Elder Nathan Jensen do?”. Her latest project is calculating the distance from Pleasant Grove to Ventura, California by way of digging with a spoon.

Kaitlyn, 20: After a thrilling year at Snow College, Kaitlyn realized that the bulk of her knowledge had actually come from the book “Stuff White People Like”. It contained enough useful information to last her a lifetime (or at least survive turkey-town). Her hobbies include writing missionaries that are named Elder Nathan Jensen, picking out ties for someone named Elder Nathan Robert Jensen, and making color xeroxes of things. You can usually find her hiding behind bookshelves in the library, whispering unforgivable curses from Harry Potter at unsuspecting strangers. When introducing herself to new people, she tends to brag about her best friend, Elder Nathan Jensen. Her new fetish is the word Elder- get used to it. Oh yeah, she likes making xeroxes of things.

2010 has been a year of trials and triumphs, and our testimonies have been greatly strengthened. Mostly because of you- Elder Nathan Robert Jensen. You are the light that guides us home. Yes, that is from a greeting card. No, we didn't write it. That doesn't make it any less true. But mostly what we have learned from this whirlwind of a year is




(You are included in this)

Once again, from a greeting card. Once again, true. As a wise, wise pair of friends (and wizards) once said: “Happy Christmas, Harry.” “Happy Christmas, Ron.” It's how we feel about you.


Heather and Kait

Ps Jesus Loves you. You can google it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas, I would like:
-One of EVERYTHING from Modcloth.
-An A on my math final.
-World Peace.
And a good book, if it isn't too much to ask. I've been REALLY good this year.

Love, Me

Friday, December 10, 2010

room inspirations

simple monochromatic whites with little splashes of accented colors. definitely a favorite.
plus the hanging dress and chandelier detail over layered wallpaper--love!

Dream A Little Dream of Me

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me
While I’m alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I’m longin’ to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

(instrumental break)

Stars shining up above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me